0-1 product design for a return management platform

I joined Returbo, an early seed startup, during my master’s studies together with my class mate Lovisa Sköld to gain industry experience. Together, we collaborated closely on designing the core features for Returbo's first beta app.

Reserach: Understand how small retailers work

In order to prioritise prototyping and user testing, we utilised existing customer interviews and market research to understand our target users.

Return administration flow

User flows and early dev collaboration

When mapping the flow we realised that we needed to understand what data we can fetch directly from Shopify and what needs to be added manually by users.

Utilise Shopify’s design system

To create a coherent order and return experience for retailers, I utalized parts of Shopify’s design system Polaris. In this way I could use design patterns familiar to the retailer and achive faster implementation.

Iterations – table design

When designing the table view, I made sure to bring in regular feedback from the team from the beginning. This made it easy to catch mistakes early on and make changes fast.

Early iteration – Concept focused on keeping important values at edges to make the table easy to skim through.

Design exploration – Experimented with a different way of indicating status.

Final design – Utalised visual recognition and common design patterns from Shopify

User testing with 3 retailers

To get the most out of the sessions, we did both a usability test and held a shorter discovery interview.

Stakeholder management

Working in an early seed startup taught me to prioritize opportunities, communicate effectively to ensure everyone is on board. As well as navigating a continuously changing environment.

Beta app launced in 2022 with great initial reviews 🎉

The first release consisted of main return management functionalities, settings and an onboarding flow. Returbo has since participated in acceleration programs and continued to grow their team and product.

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